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FaceFit for Jowls – Dr Somji comments


After staring at our own reflections on Zoom for more than a year, it’s no surprise that clinics have seen an uptick in interest in treatments from hooded eyes and creased necks and now especially for sagging jowls.

“Jowl treatment has peaked since the first lockdown,” confirms Dr Munir Somji, medical director of Dr MediSpa in Knightsbridge. “Not only are patients looking down during Zoom calls, they’re perhaps also having greater fluctuations in weight due to a change in diet and exercise regimes [which can affect jowls].”

Morpheus8: The celebrities favourite jowl treatment:
Morpheus8 combines radiofrequency with microneedling.

Microneedling creates minuscule injuries to the skin, stimulating a natural healing response of new collagen and elastin fibres which tighten and smooth the skin, explains Dr Somji. “It also delivers fractional radiofrequency energy deep into the dermis, which further enhances skin tightening,” he says.

Results are long-lasting and continue to improve months after treatment, as new collagen and elastin develop. You normally need one to three sessions.

Morpheus8 starts from £500 per session at Dr Medi Spa.

Facial exercise for jowls
Dr Munir Somji sings the praises of facial exercises to help with jowls. “Place your hands either side of your face and put four fingers just above your jaw, then place your thumbs under the sides of the chin,” he says. “Pinch your jowl with your fingers at the top and squeeze with your thumbs. Smile and touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Repeat daily for six weeks.”

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