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We all want a taught, slim and toned body and most of us work hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise regime. However, sometimes, no matter how well we eat and how many times we go to the gym, those stubborn pockets of fat just won’t budge. Surgery is a drastic action if we are only seeking some minor changes. It can also lead to lengthy recovery times and most of us would like to seek a non-surgical solution to areas of unwanted fat. At Dr. MediSpa in Loughton, Essex, Dr. Munir Somji offers BodyTite™ Essex non-surgical liposuction treatment, which can rid you of those unsightly fatty areas that just won’t go with diet or exercise alone.

BodyTite™ is known as one of the most effective fat removal procedures in the world. It utilizes radiofrequency technology to heat up body and safely melt away body fat, as well as tighten and tone loose skin – offering two solutions in one treatment! BodyTite™ can treat several areas of the body including:

  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Stomach
  • Chest (man boobs)
  • Upper arms (bingo wings)
  • Flanks (muffin tops/love handles)

How do I know if I am suitable for BodyTite™ in Essex?

Most people with subcutaneous ‘pinchable’ areas of fat or areas of skin on the body that needs tightening would be suitable for BodyTite™. Bodytite™ would not be suitable for those who are obese and have a high level of visceral fat. At Dr. MediSpa we request that you attend a pre-treatment consultation with Dr. Somji in Loughton, so that you can discuss the treatment, your medical history and your suitability.

What happens during the BodyTite™ non-surgical liposuction treatment?

BodyTite™ is performed under local anaesthetic. A cannula (a hollow tube) is inserted in to the area to be treated and the radiofrequency technology gets to work. The fat is softened with the cannula and this, along with excess fluids are drained away from the body through this equipment. The surrounding tissues are unharmed during the procedure and the cannula is destroyed after each treatment.

What are the side-effects/downtime?

In comparison to traditional liposuction surgery, the downtime with BodyTite™ is minimal. You may experience some bruising, swelling, soreness and uneven skin for approximately two to three weeks following this treatment but these symptoms are all normal and should subside naturally.

What do I do immediately after the treatment?

After your procedure you will be required to wear a specially designed pressure garment and will need to rest for 2 to 3 days. After which you can return to work. You will be given a course of pain killers and the day after your procedure we will invite you to the clinic to assess you and change your dressings. We will maintain contact with you in the weeks that follow to ensure you are happy with your results. Regular follow up appointments will be necessary to ensure you are making the right progress and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to maintain results.

What results can I expect with BodyTite™ Essex non-surgical liposuction?

The results with BodyTite™should be permanent but you must take into consideration that this is an investment in to a life-long healthy eating and exercise plan. If you continue to eat unhealthy foods and maintain a sedentary lifestyle, you may see excess fat returning in other areas of the body. BodyTite™ can offer you that step to a fitter, slimmer and healthier you but the good work will need to be carried on, long after the procedure. If you’re looking for an Essex BodyTite™ clinic and consider yourself suitable, get in touch now.

BodyTite™ is offering thousands of people a slimmer, sexier body without going under general anaesthetic or with lengthy, painful downtime. To book your no-obligation consultation to see if BodyTite™ Essex non-surgical liposuction could work for you, call us on 0208 418 0362.

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