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Mummy Makeover

Mummy makeover surgery is becoming increasingly popular, as pregnancy takes its toll on the body. Getting back that pre-baby body can be difficult, and this is where a mummy makeover can restore what you once had, bringing confidence with it.

Having a baby is lifechanging, and one of the happiest moments of life but it is not always kind to our bodies. Post-partum weight gain in certain areas can change the shape of the body, and the skin can be loosened and stretched around the tummy area. The breasts can droop downwards and lose their pert appearance, and there might be some unwanted fat, cellulite and stretch marks around areas such as the hips, thighs, midriff and buttocks. Every body responds differently to our bodies back into shape after giving birth and breastfeeding can take more than regular gym sessions and a healthy diet.

Dr MediSpa is delighted to offer self-esteem-boosting mummy makeover surgery, with our resident plastic surgeon. All cosmetic and plastic is a big undertaking, and we absolutely recommend not travelling abroad for mummy makeover surgery to cut corners or save money, where risks are amplified.

What is a mummy makeover?

A mummy makeover usually consists of combined surgical procedures remove fat, tighten skin and augment the breasts and/or the tummy. Some patients also opt for arm, thigh or buttock treatment too.

Breast surgery

Breast surgery can include augmenting (enlarging), re-shaping, lifting or reducing the breasts. A popular procedure, following childbirth, is breast augmentation after breastfeeding. This procedure can include breast augmentation, with the use of implants or fat transfer, as well as a breast uplift treatment. The breasts are repositioned to restore them to their original position for a more perky appearance. However, if you feel your breasts are drooping down, a breast reduction may be advised, to lift them up and tighten any loose skin which has occurred through breastfeeding and rapid weight gain during pregnancy. It is sometimes necessary to reposition the nipple, and this is also possible with all breast surgeries.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) – this operation can tighten and even tone the muscles of your post-pregnancy tummy. Excess skin on the stomach skin is surgically removed. This can be conducted as either a full or partial tummy tuck, depending on your requirements. During both procedures, an incision is made along the lower abdomen area. In a full tummy tuck, the core muscles can be tightened, as well as the repositioning of your belly button if needed.

A mini tummy tuck is performed when muscle tightening or belly button repositioning is usually not necessary. The incision is smaller, and any scar will be less noticeable.

Both procedures are performed under general anaesthetic (GA), so patients might need to stay in hospital for one or two nights, after your procedure.


Liposuction – this is a procedure which removes excess fat which has accumulated in areas such as the abdomen, flanks, buttock, thighs and upper arms, following pregnancy. The surgery involves utilising various state-of-the-art devices and modern techniques for the best results and faster recovery times. Liposuction can address many problem areas at once, making it a very popular procedure to have post-pregnancy.

Liposuction can also be used alongside a less invasive, sculpting procedure called Vaser Lipo. This procedure helps to smooth any lumps and bumps and can even sculpt around certain muscles to create definition in a particular area, such as the abdomen. Your surgeon may combine the two treatments to give you a more sculpted, defined appearance and to enhance toning of the skin.

Mummy Makeover FAQs

Am I suitable for a mummy makeover?

Most otherwise fit and well patients can benefit from one or more of the procedures included in a mummy makeover and to ascertain which treatments would best suit you, we will ask you to attend a no-obligation consultation with the surgeon, so you can discuss your main concerns, the procedures which would be suitable for these concerns and to check you are healthy enough to undergo an invasive surgery involving a GA. It’s a good idea at this stage to think about when to have the procedure, the potential downtime and arranging suitable childcare for the period of your recovery.

Is there downtime?

As with all surgical procedures, there will be a healing process and a period of clinical downtime. Resting well after an operation is one of the main factors of a successful healing process and can also affect your results. Depending on the operation you have, you might require up to 2 to 3 weeks to rest and recuperate, so it’s important to plan the timings of your procedure to suit your lifestyle and childcare responsibilities.

When will I see results?

With all mummy makeover procedures, you will see results immediately. However, there may be some swelling, bruising and tenderness which can mask the true results initially. It’s important that with any surgical treatment, you give enough time to heal, follow all the aftercare advice you are given and be patient. Some results take weeks to months to fully optimise. However, most results will be permanent. In cases such as liposuction, eating a healthy diet and keeping a regular exercise regime will help keep the weight off and will maintain the results you achieve from the procedure.

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