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The battle to keep a svelte and slim physique can be a never ending one. We may spend hours in the gym and watch what we eat, but sometimes this is just not enough to keep those annoying pockets of fat, such as muffin tops and love handles, at bay. At Dr. MediSpa in Loughton, Essex, we understand that a slim and sexy body can sometimes take more than diet and exercise alone and this is why we offer a non-surgical, effective solution to melt away those nuisance lumps and bumps using radiofrequency technology. The treatment is called BodyTite™ Radiofrequency Skin Tightening.

BodyTite™ Radiofrequency Skin Tightening is proven to be one of the most effective, permanent fat removal technologies, globally. It also negates the need for invasive and sometimes risky surgery and can be performed in a couple of hours. The recovery time is also much faster than surgery and you can be up and about in a few days following the treatment.

BodyTite™ can treat:

  • Buttocks
  • Stomach
  • Chest (man boobs)
  • Upper arms (bingo wings)
  • Flanks (muffin tops/love handles)
  • Thighs

BodyTite™ Radiofrequency Skin Tighteningis performed by our medical director, Dr. Munir Somji. You will only require a local anaesthetic which ensures that you are comfortable throughout the treatment. A cannula (a hollow tube) is inserted in to the area of the body to be treated and radiofrequency technology softens the fat. It is then drained away, along with any excess fluids from the body, through the cannula. The beauty of BodyTite™ is that all surrounding tissues are unharmed during this procedure, minimizing risk and ensuring an even result.

If you are fit, healthy and have subcutaneous ‘pinchable’ areas of fat or areas of skin on the body that needs tightening, you’ll probably be right for BodyTite™. However, this treatment is not suitable for those who are clinically obese and have a high amount of visceral fat – fat which surrounds the inner tissues and organs. At Dr. MediSpa we insist on a pre-treatment consultation with Dr. Somji, so that you can discuss your requirements and he can examine you prior to agreeing to any treatment.

BodyTite™ Radiofrequency Skin Tightening: Aftercare and Results

You can expect to have some bruising, swelling, soreness and uneven skin for approximately two to three weeks following this treatment but these symptoms are all normal and should subside naturally. In comparison to traditional liposuction, BodyTite™ offers a faster recovery time but equally superb results.

You’ll need to wear a pressure garment for a few days after the treatment and will be required to take as much rest as you can for at least 2 to 3 days. After this, you can return to work, making sure you adhere to any after-care protocols that Dr. Somji has advised. We will be in contact with you regularly and you’ll need to come to clinic for dressing changes and post-procedure check-ups to ensure all is going well.

The results with BodyTite™ are be permanent and, as long as you maintain a healthy weight and exercise programme, you can enjoy a slimmer, smoother physique with pleasing curves. However, don’t expect to keep your results if you’re going to be munching on takeaways and drinking gallons of fizzy pop. It’s important to realize that to continue the good work of Dr. Somji and his team, you need to invest in yourself and take care of your new shape. So, your careful consideration to make this the first step on a life-long journey to improve your eating habits and physical activities will ensure that you keep your gorgeously slender new body, for good!

To book your no obligation consultation to see if BodyTite™ Radiofrequency Skin Tightening could work for you, call us today on 0208 418 0362.

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