Non-surgical blepharoplasty with PlexR®
We are in an age of more innovative, technologically advanced and generally safer cosmetic beauty treatments.
The need for invasive surgery for minor conditions – such as loose skin around the eyes – is now a thing of the past.
And this is largely thanks to a revolutionary and unique device called PlexR®.
So, what exactly is PlexR® and how does it work?
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PlexR® is a non-surgical treatment for removing the loose skin tissue that can form in the upper and lower eyelids as we get older.
Dubbed “soft surgery” by the manufacturers, it’s great news for those of us who don’t want invasive surgery, especially around the eyes!
PlexR® artificially creates plasma – the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gas. Through its small, hand-held device, it uses the plasma to sublimate and tighten the excess skin around the eyes.
The procedure only works on the superficial skin cells, carefully avoiding deeper skin tissues.
This helps to preserve the eyelids’ natural ‘plasticity’. In other words, the eyelids can still move normally, immediately after the treatment.
The PlexR treatment
You may feel some discomfort and a slight tingling or burning sensation during the procedure, but it should not be painful.
We apply a topical anaesthetic before starting the treatment, to help reduce any pain.
You may also take paracetamol before and after treatment and use topical lotions, depending on the doctor’s advice.
Although the results of PlexR® treatment are immediate, there is some downtime. But the advantage over surgery is this procedure doesn’t involve general anaesthetic, cutting of the skin or stitches.
Side effects and aftercare from PlexR® treatment
Following your PlexR® treatment, you will have some swelling and brown scabbing around the treated area. This is perfectly normal and should heal within 7 days.
You can use camouflage such as Oxygenetix or Heliocare to hide these marks.
However, to make sure the marks heal quickly, you should not pick or scratch them.
Treatment results
As with surgical blepharoplasty, the results from PlexR® are permanent.
The treatment is effective in turning back the clock, but even PlexR® cannot completely stop further skin ageing.
Ageing skin is a natural and inevitable process. But choosing a healthy lifestyle, avoiding sun exposure and smoking, can help to slow it down.
Treatment price
The cost of PlexR® depends on your individual case.
However, the likely cost will be around £2000 for upper and lower eyelids.
More information
Click on the links below for more information about
and how to book your free consultation.